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Being a mother is the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. And yet, it is the most important and rewarding thing that I have ever done.  My main concern as a mother was to do my very best to keep my children safe and raise them in a positive environment.  An environment, which would allow me to raise them into good, decent, positive, and happy individuals.  FAMILY is the most important relationship that we have and you must do everything in your power to protect the FAMILY.  Family was put together by the heavenly creator with each member having its own personality; the challenge is getting along with each personality, and remaining loyal to the FAMILY unit.  Sometimes, this is not easily done and that’s why it is called a challenge.

Just like the players on a basketball team, each position serves a purpose.  When developed properly, the players working together as a team can dominate their opponents.  When each family member develops as intended, the family as a unit can dominate.  Each member of the family has their own role to play, and each member is critical to the survival of the family.

This is critical, the FAMILY must be very careful about who you allow to enter into it.  Allowing the wrong people into the FAMILY can possibly destroy the FAMILY.  The wrong person can come into the family, causing havoc, abuse, and doing everything in their power to tear your family down.  Where there is GOOD, EVIL will always try to infiltrate.

As a mother, I can honestly say, that I am very proud of my family.  My son and daughter are the light in my life and I’m so proud of the adults that they have become.  And, I’m proud of my grandsons too.  We have gone through good times and bad times, and today we are stronger than ever as a family unit.  We eat together, we support each other, we stand up for each other, we have the same spiritual beliefs, and no matter what, we work hard to remain loyal to the family as a unit.

Thank you heavenly Creator, for the family that you have given to me.  I am truly blessed.